As St. Patrick’s Day in Orange County comes, so do parades, festivals, activities and more. One of the most popular things to do on St. Patrick’s Day is to head to the bar and get a drink. Green beer starts flowing and some people start making bad decisions. In fact, in 2016, 60 people were killed in drunk driving accidents. It’s important to remember that drinking and driving is illegal and extremely dangerous. Even if drinking and driving doesn’t end in an accident, it could end in jail time and up to $10,000 in fines.

Have a fun St. Patrick’s Day in Orange County and stay safe by making smart decisions and planning ahead for any situation.

Have a fun St. Patrick’s Day in Orange County and stay safe by making smart decisions and planning ahead for any situation.

Plan Ahead

Adult drivers may have plans to get drinks with friends and if you’re over the legal drinking age, there is nothing wrong with that. However, make sure you plan ahead. Designate a sober driver or use a ridesharing service like Uber or Lyft. The, “I only had one” excuse will not work if you find yourself at a DUI checkpoint.

Designated Driver

If you find yourself being the designated driver, control where you go. There is an app called Designated Driver VIP or “DDVIP”. This app has a database of all of the bars and drinking holes that have special incentives for sober drivers. Some of the incentives include free foods or non-alcoholic drinks.

Be a Friend

We all care about our friends and they care about us so help each other out. If you see a friend drinking, don’t let them drive. Instead, help them find a sober way home or, if you’re sober, offer to take them home. Just because you weren’t the one who got in an accident or got behind the wheel at all, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t matter.

Have a fun St. Patrick’s Day in Orange County and stay safe by making smart decisions and planning ahead for any situation.

Dial 911

Maybe you aren’t going out to drink at all, maybe you’ll spend St. Patrick’s Day in Orange County at a festival or parade. But if you’re on your way somewhere or just driving to the store and notice a drunk driver, report them. Do not hesitate to call 911 and give them a location, direction, and description of the vehicle.

Define DUI

Remember, DUI doesn’t just mean alcohol, drugs are included in there as well. If drugs are prescribed, make sure they are safe to take when you plan to operate heavy machinery. A vehicle is considered heavy machinery and if you’re under the influence, you could make a big mistake.

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