Orange County and surrounding areas get different versions of weather during winter. The closer you get to the coast, the warmer it gets, but the further inland the higher the chance of snow. Just like people, vehicles don’t like extreme changes in weather. There are a winter tips for your car you can do to help your it make it through the winter. In fact, maintaining your car in the winter will help it last longer through other seasons as well.

Winter tips for you car will help make your car last through this winter and future winters for years to come if done correctly.

Use all of the winter tips for your car and keep it running like new.

Check Your Battery

All summer long the Southern California heat beats up your car’s battery. But the winter does even worse, making it difficult to operate. Before the winter comes, check your battery’s voltage. If your battery isn’t in good condition, get it replaced. The last thing you want is to get stuck somewhere in the cold, or not be able to start your vehicle in the cold. This is the first of many winter tips for your car you should follow this season.


Believe it or not, antifreeze has multiple functions. Antifreeze, also known as coolant, cools down your engine when needed and keeps it from freezing over as well. Make sure as the months get colder your car’s antifreeze levels are where they should be. One of the best winter tips for your car is to mix antifreeze with water; a 50/50 mixture before pouring it into your car.


We often fill our gas tanks as we see fit, but a full gas tank is better for your car. In the cold months, water can accumulate as temps fall. That water can build up in your fuel pump and freeze over. A frozen fuel pump can result in big damages over time.

Winter tips for you car will help make your car last through this winter and future winters for years to come if done correctly.


Always check your tire pressure as much as possible. A drop in temperature will mean a decrease in tire pressure. If your tires have low pressure, they’re more susceptible to tread separation or faster wear. Drivers also notice they have less control with lower pressure and with slick roads it doubles the danger.


Winter time also means earlier sunsets all over the country. Make sure you don’t get caught in the dark while driving anywhere by checking or changing all lights on your vehicle. Another good idea would be to clean the casing on your headlights and brake lights. A foggy plastic will result in dimmer lighting which will be dangerous.

First Aid Kit

No matter the season, you should always have a first aid kit or survival kit ready. Survival kits should include, at the very least, a blanket, first-aid, a flashlight, jumper cables, and a knife. You can add other items to your emergency car kit as necessary depending on where you live or travel.

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