While Thanksgiving is the beginning of the holiday season it is usually the beginning of holiday travel. All across America families are taking the train, boarding planes, and taking road trips to visit more family and friends. Planning your trip ahead of time is important, even if you’re just driving for an hour or so. In fact, recent studies have shown the Thanksgiving holiday period is one of the deadliest with an average of 506 deaths nationwide. That study also shows that it’s important for us to practice the best Thanksgiving travel safety tips.

Use Thanksgiving travel safety tips to make sure you and your family arrive at your holiday destination safe and sound and ready to eat.

Use Thanksgiving travel safety tips to make sure you and your family arrive at your holiday destination safe and sound and ready to eat.

Check the Weather

No matter how far you plan on driving you should know what the weather will be like. The weather will not only affect the roads but also the traffic. Plan accordingly once you know what the weather will be like during your trip.

Vehicle Checks

Like any other trip, it’s important to make sure your vehicle is running at it’s best. Check the oil, brakes, windshield wipers, defroster, and antifreeze. The last thing you’ll want is to spend the rest of the holiday on the side of the road.

Tire Check

Another important thing to check would be your tires, every last one of them. Check tire pressure at a gas station or with a tire pressure tool. Just don’t forget to check the spare just in case.

No Distracted Driving

Once you’ve made it onto the road, safe driving practices are important. Don’t use your smartphone, in any way. In fact, to ensure you stay as safe as possible, turn off your device and store it away until you arrive.

Use Thanksgiving travel safety tips to make sure you and your family arrive at your holiday destination safe and sound and ready to eat.

Check the Gas

Make sure you have enough gas to get to your destination during your Thanksgiving travel. The less time you need to spend on the road the better. This will also help if the weather is bad and you end up sitting in traffic for prolonged periods of time.

Longer Distance, More Planning

If you’ll be driving far during your Thanksgiving travel, plan to make a few stops for stretching, checking your phone or using the restroom.

No Cruise Control

Cruise control is a great tool to have but it’s also important to use it when absolutely necessary. Since there will most likely be plenty of drivers on the roads, cruise control will not be a good idea. Wet conditions will only add to the fact that cruise control should be avoided.

Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is just as bad as distracted or drunk driving. Make sure you get enough rest before hitting the road or have someone who can swap driving duties with you.

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