There isn’t a single person on the roadways who wants to get in an accident. Yet you will still see people doing things that are dangerous. In fact, there are many of us who are doing the most common causes of accidents while driving. You can become an even better driver by understanding what causes accidents and then avoiding them. We may even be able to spot other drivers doing these things and then avoid them on the roadways as well. That is part of defensive driving.
Once you’ve learned the most common causes of accidents you can learn to avoid them while driving and stay even safer on the road.
Distracted Driving
It would seem like everyone is always talking about distracted driving. But that is for good reason. Distracted driving is becoming more and more prevalent. In fact, distracted driving has become the leading cause of accidents. Distractions come in many forms from cell phones to friends. It is important that you avoid distractions and focus on driving defensively.
Intoxicated Driving
There was a time when people would talk only about drunk driving. But there are more ways to be intoxicated than with just alcohol. You should never get behind the wheel if you’re intoxicated in any way. There are so many options to help you get to where you’re going today without having to get behind the wheel. Taxi, public transport, friends, Uber, Lyft, these are all ways to avoid driving while intoxicated. That means there is literally no excuse for driving intoxicated.
Reckless Driving
One of the most common causes of accidents, especially amongst inexperienced drivers is reckless driving. Reckless driving comes in many different forms but speeding and weaving are two of the most common. Teens drive recklessly mostly to impress friends or other drivers on the road. However, no one is impressed. Instead, most experienced drivers will say that reckless driving is just that, reckless.
Weather is another one of the most common causes of accidents. Drivers need to know the extent of their own skills, especially when there is inclement weather. Drive slowly, take precautions, and always make sure your car is well maintained. A car that has regular maintenance can handle the weather better. Think of it this way, a craftsman can be skilled but without his tools, the job won’t get done. A driver can be an amazing driver but without a well-maintained car, those skills are pointless.
Night Driving
Time of day can be very important for new drivers. In fact, there are curfew restrictions on new licenses set by the government for that very reason. Night driving can be dangerous, especially if you don’t know what to look for. Ensure that your headlights are working properly at all times. You should always stay alert, even more so when you’re driving at night. You should never be afraid to use your high beams when needed. Just be sure to turn them down if a car is coming towards you. The last thing you want is to blind the driver of an oncoming car.