by Social Halo Media | Dec 29, 2019 | Blog, Driving, Parent Resources, Teenage Drivers
There is a lot of information about you on your driver’s license. Someone could determine your age, weight, height, eye color, sex, address, and more. It is very important that you don’t lose your license and treat it with a lot of care. You can do everything in Social Halo Media | Dec 25, 2019 | Blog, Drivers Education, Teenage Drivers
Do you know what to do if you lose your drivers license? Your license is what gives you the privilege of driving. That means it is illegal to drive without it. In fact, it is illegal to drive without your license in your possession in each and every state in Social Halo Media | Dec 21, 2019 | Blog, Driving, Safety Tips, Teenage Drivers
There are statistics that show the dangers of teens driving with friends before they are ready. But there are also dangers of driving solo, especially for new drivers. It’s dangerous to drive with friends and it’s dangerous to drive alone. But that doesn’t mean Social Halo Media | Dec 17, 2019 | Blog, Parent Resources, Teenage Drivers
There are two ways you could walk away with a new car from a dealership. You could either buy the car or lease the car. These two options are very different but have similar results. New drivers might not be aware of what the differences are between the two Social Halo Media | Dec 9, 2019 | Blog, Drivers Education, Parent Resources, Teenage Drivers
There are a few things a student must do in order to receive their driver’s license in California. Anyone who drives in California goes through a permit stage. However, you do not need to take a driver’s course if you are 18 or older. Still, you will need to take Social Halo Media | Sep 20, 2019 | Blog, Car Care, Teenage Drivers
Many people fear the mechanic, not for what they want us to know but for what they don’t. That is because some mechanics lie and charge more for fixes than necessary. It’s easier for them to do this since not everyone is as well-trained in the inner workings of a car....