by Social Halo Media | May 20, 2017 | Blog, Driving, Safety Tips
Summer is the season to travel for people all over the country and there are many different forms of travel. One of the oldest ways to travel is also one of the most fun ways to travel, via car. There are few experiences that are better than a well-planned road trip....
by Social Halo Media | May 16, 2017 | Blog, Driving, Safety Tips
One of the scariest aspects of driving is getting into an accident. Accidents come in different sizes, you can have a little bumper tap or you can have a total wreck. No matter what size accident you experience, you should know what to do. Most drivers are in a state...
by Social Halo Media | May 13, 2017 | Blog, Driving, Safety Tips
Smart cars are on their way and in just a few years you might just need to enter a destination and relax. The ideal smart car will navigate the roadways safely and get you to your destination without damage to you, your vehicle or other people. That future is still...
by Social Halo Media | May 9, 2017 | Blog, Driving, Parent Resources, Teenage Drivers
Driving is known as one of the first big steps we take in life. Everything that goes into completing this stage of life will prepare us for other stages to come. We must learn a new skill, learn to deal with the DMV, learn how to budget for a big purchase, and find...
by Social Halo Media | May 5, 2017 | Blog, Driving, Safety Tips
Summertime in California, and just about everywhere else, means more bicycles and motorcycles hitting the roads. For drivers, that means we need to pay attention more to how we share the roads. Varsity Driving Academy teaches defensive driving and that defense is not...
by Social Halo Media | May 3, 2017 | Blog, Safety Tips
At Varsity Driving Academy, we teach defensive driving tactics to keep drivers safe on the roads. However, during the month of May, we shine a spotlight on the other people inhabiting the roadways, bikers. Bikers come in different forms, there are motorcyclists and...