by Social Halo Media | Oct 10, 2019 | Blog, Driving, Safety Tips
There is a lot of construction going on in Orange County. That construction means a lot of construction vehicles, some with oversized loads. An oversized load is a truck that is carrying something that is wider than the width of a driving lane. Other drivers, Social Halo Media | Oct 6, 2019 | Blog, Driving, Safety Tips
There isn’t a single person on the roadways who wants to get in an accident. Yet you will still see people doing things that are dangerous. In fact, there are many of us who are doing the most common causes of accidents while driving. You can become an even Social Halo Media | Oct 2, 2019 | Blog, Driving, Safety Tips
There are many things that can get in the way of a clear view while driving. Snow, heavy rain, fog, hail, all of these things can make it hard to see where you’re going. That doesn’t mean you can’t still drive in these conditions. You just need to know how to Social Halo Media | Sep 28, 2019 | Blog, Driving
A four way stop seems like it would be easy to handle. But the rule is somewhat difficult to understand. The DMV handbook for California states that the vehicle on the right has the right of way. That means if two cars pull up to an intersection, the car on the Social Halo Media | Sep 24, 2019 | Blog, Parent Resources
There are many different high schools in California. Where you live will help determine where you will attend school. Each school is given a boundary. These boundaries are made to help keep the number of students in a classroom low and success rates high. Lake Social Halo Media | Sep 20, 2019 | Blog, Car Care, Teenage Drivers
Many people fear the mechanic, not for what they want us to know but for what they don’t. That is because some mechanics lie and charge more for fixes than necessary. It’s easier for them to do this since not everyone is as well-trained in the inner workings of a car....