by Social Halo Media | Nov 30, 2018 | Blog, Drivers Education, Driving, Parent Resources, Teenage Drivers
For teens and adults, the permit stage of the licensing process gives time to practice driving. But many people don’t know the best ways to practice driving. There are a few different ways that cover a few different aspects of driving and each should be covered. The...
by Social Halo Media | Nov 26, 2018 | Blog, Parent Resources
A student’s high school education is very important. During the high school years, students are learning more than just the basics, things like responsibility, social abilities and more are all part of high school. But when ranking high schools, the easiest things to...
by Social Halo Media | Nov 22, 2018 | Blog, Parent Resources
Buying gifts usually come down to how well you know someone, or at the very least, how well you know their interests. For example, if you know that the person you’re buying for has a love for cars, you’ll want to make sure they get the best car lovers gift. Using a...
by Social Halo Media | Nov 18, 2018 | Blog, Parent Resources
There are many different high schools teens can go to and usually, depending on where you live will determine which one you attend. In California, high schools are ranked and compared to one another. These rankings are based on student’s performances, testing stats,...
by Social Halo Media | Nov 14, 2018 | Blog, Parent Resources
Thanksgiving season is upon us and that means grocery stores are going to be crowded. Many people will be shopping for the usual stuff like turkeys, gravy, stuffing ingredients and pies but what if there was more? What if it was very easy to add new ingredients, new...