by Social Halo Media | Jun 5, 2020 | Blog
Fathers are very important people in our lives. We look to our fathers for direction, for learning, and for security. They work hard to provide for us and they help shape our lives in meaningful ways. Now, it is your turn to show your appreciation for everything your...
by Social Halo Media | May 31, 2020 | Blog, Car Care, Drivers Education, Safety Tips
POST UPDATED 6/15/21 per California State Health Department Update: Barriers will be removed from vehicles and the following safety protocols will be in place to ensure the safety of all students and instructors. The times we live in are very different from what we...
by Social Halo Media | May 25, 2020 | Blog, Drivers Education, Parent Resources, Teenage Drivers, Varsity Driving Academy
There are many different driving schools Irvine California and picking one is very important. You want to find a driving school that fits your specific needs, cares about your safety, but will also make sure you know the right things. There are plenty of things to...
by Social Halo Media | May 21, 2020 | Blog, Driving, Safety Tips
You want to get as many points as you can in Football, basketball, arcade games and more. But you want to make sure you never get points on your license. Most states in the US use a points system to keep track of certain traffic violations. There are 9 states that...
by Social Halo Media | May 16, 2020 | Blog, Driving, Safety Tips, Teenage Drivers
Driving can be a scary thing for beginners. They are in control of a massive object that can cause a lot of damage if not controlled properly. But there are also so many rules to follow and it is important to keep track of all of them at every moment. However, things...